I love, love, love the functionality of my kitchen. It has ample counter tops and the perfect sink, stove & fridge trianglular workspace. But... It's decor fights with the rustic feel of the cedar cabinetry and is completely outdated. Time for a facelift.
BEFORE - wall 1:
Love the built in hutch! But the 80's wallpaper, chair rail & stencil? Uhmmm, no. It's gotta go.
(I forgot to take a picture before I took the chair rail off)
Time for fun! Rip the icky paper off.
Spray the residual paper & glue with "wp chomp!"(this stuff is amazing!) Wait a couple of minutes. I used a wide spackling knife with an easy touch and the remaining paper came off like a feather.
Wallpaper gone.
I used kilz primer on the walls and built in hutch.
Then the walls got a fresh coat of "deer park".
The hutch was painted casually with rough brush strokes. I used "dried tomato".
I'm totally in love with the dried tomato color. But to fit with my rustic house, it needs to be aged a bit. I sanded areas of "natural wear".
The dark outer wash was made by adding a little water to a water based dark brown paint.
I used a brush to wash across the red followed by dry brushing to blend it.
The corners got a second coat for added darkness.
AFTER - wall 1
A different angle shows the wall color better
So happy with this
BEFORE - Wall 2
Wallpaper gone
Kilz & paint on the wall and outlet covers.
I drew up a pattern to put on the backsplash area.
Using "dried tomato" to tie in with the hutch color.
I penciled on the grid pattern & started hand painting the checkers. Talk about tedious. Why oh why didn't I buy a stencil?
Pattern in progress. Notice the new handles on the cabinets? New hinges will follow.
I got the idea to use a spigot handle as a towel hook off of pinterest.
The stars are done... finally.
I don't want this project to turn into a cutesy country look, so I painted the stars to give them dimension. Then I'll age the whole thing.
The whole pattern was aged with a brown wash, a shop towel and elbow grease.
All I have left to do here is to put sealer on.
You call yourself a baseboard? I'll get to you later!
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