My hubby's a piler, right? So our shared side table in our living room was always overflowing with man things. ermmm... icky! He needed a space of his own. I took a sideboard that I've had since my kids were little. I set it on the hearth next to his man chair. That's right. The hearth. No rule against this that I know of. So why not? Then I took out the top drawer, which adds extra shelf space. It was unfinished inside so I stained it real fast. BAM! Instant man sized storage table! I tied a strip of burlap around one of the open doors to dress it up. Cost - about 2 bucks for the burlap.
The drawer from the sideboard got repurposed in my foyer. I turned it sideways... set it on top of a small wooden step stool that I had. I hung a set of spurs from the door knob... and put a cd box inside the opening... to collect mail. A galvanized bucket on top is perfect for keys. The seat of the bench you see lifts up. We put our shoes in it. Every bit of this was already laying around my house. Cost - ZERO.